Albums of Nanowar Of Steel

  1. XX Years of Steel
  3. The Power of Imodium
  4. Stormwarrior of the Storm
  5. El Baile del Perrito - Single
  6. Das rote Pferd - Single
  7. Afraid to shoot into the eyes of a stranger in a strange land - Single
  8. Dislike to False Metal
  9. Disco Metal
  10. Winterstorm in the Night (Feat. Madeleine Liljestam)
  11. Armpits Of Immortals (feat. Ross the Boss) - Single
  12. Italian Folk Metal
  13. La Polenta Taragnarock (feat. Giorgio Mastrota)
  14. Biancodolce
  15. Formia
  16. Uranus (feat. Michael Starr) - Single
  17. Uranus (feat. Michael Starr)
  18. Sodali Do It Better (Live @ IV Adunata, Trezzo Sull'adda)
  19. Sneeztem of a Yawn
  20. Valhalleluja

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