All Men Are Broken (Live)

I hear Him singing over you
and some of you
I hear Him saying your name
saying your name
and He says to you:
I'm not like your father
listen my beloved one
I'm not like your father
'cause even the best of them
are just broken brothers
listen my child
listen to me
I'm not like your father
why are'nt you putting that on me?
listen, listen
I'm not like your father
I'm not like your father
'cause even the best of them
are just broken brothers
for, all men are broken
and broken men breake their children
who grow up to be broken men
but I'm bigger than that
I'm bigger than that
and all men are broken
and broken men breake their children
who grow up to be broken men
but I'm bigger than that
come to me
I'm bigger than that
I'm not like your father
and some of you've been so afraid
of repeting the same mistakes
the fear has you frozen
but listen listen
i have the power to change things and
i have the power to make you new
and i have the power to rearrange them same old chain
and listen
you're not like your father
it's a new day
it's a new day
you're not like your father
and the sins of your father and his fathers fathers fathers fathers father
will not be on you
just keep on, keep on, keep on coming,
keep on coming, keep on coming, keep on coming,
listen my beloved one
all men are broken
and broken men breake their children
who grow up to be broken men
but listen
I'm bigger than that
you got to let your fathers go
your fathers were broken by their fathers who were broken by their fathers and their fathers before their fathers and on and on on on on on...
but we're all in this together
and there's only one Good Father
there is only one Good Father
He's the Father of all creation
He's your Father of lights and your Father of Glory and He loves us so well
and all He says is
everything is in my hand
everything is gonna be alright
you gonna be ok
no regrets
everything is in my hand
everything's gonna be alright
you're gonna be ok
and some of you has been so full of regrets
but all babies are my babies
your babies are my babies
and I will be their father
'cause your babies
are my babies
I'm gonna turn it all around
just wait and see
I'm gonna make everything beautiful
just in time
I'm gonna turn it all around
just wait and see
no regrets
I'm gonna make everything beautiful
just in time

Writer(s): Misty Edwards
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