Baton rouge - Live Studio Pigalle
Watch 'them bones, the remains
And with the Bayou ends the chase
There she dances, there she moves
Behind in the distance, Baton Rouge
You sad and lonely will you marry me?
With secret oaths, evil eyes forcing me up all night
Bizar, how she would jinx the night awake, 'till dawn
From the start, I knew it
There was an odd look on her face
First I walked but then I ran
In the dark water I drawned
You sad and lonely will you marry me?
With secret oaths, evil eyes forcing me up all night
Bizar, how she would jinx the night awake, 'till dawn
Tous les mots que je sais, je les lui dis à regret
Et à mesure que je bouge il voit dans le lointain Baton Rouge
Bizar, how she would jinx the night awaty, till dawn
And with the Bayou ends the chase
There she dances, there she moves
Behind in the distance, Baton Rouge
You sad and lonely will you marry me?
With secret oaths, evil eyes forcing me up all night
Bizar, how she would jinx the night awake, 'till dawn
From the start, I knew it
There was an odd look on her face
First I walked but then I ran
In the dark water I drawned
You sad and lonely will you marry me?
With secret oaths, evil eyes forcing me up all night
Bizar, how she would jinx the night awake, 'till dawn
Tous les mots que je sais, je les lui dis à regret
Et à mesure que je bouge il voit dans le lointain Baton Rouge
Bizar, how she would jinx the night awaty, till dawn
Writer(s): Nicolas Quere, Vincent Devay, Adrien Deygas, Jean Baptiste Soulard, Thomas Milteau
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