Pleasure to watch my hands shake
Pleasure to make the mistake
Of always wanting more and more and more.
And more and more and more.
Pleasure to hear my voice quake.
Limit to my intake
Is always want to more and more and more.
And more and more and more.
I want more.
I always love a challenge.
Finding ways to balance
The need of wanting more and more and more.
And more and more and more.
It's a pleasure to take one more step
Closer to the edge
And then taking one more and more and more.
And more and more and more.
My best friends are in bottles and tiny screens.
I do my best to follow so they don't notice me.
I always love a challenge.
Finding ways to balance
The need of wanting more and more and more.
And more and more and more.
Pleasure to not feel worthless
When I find the purpose
For always wanting more and more and more
And more.
It's one to wake up bright
Two for an appetite
Three for the pressure
Four for the pain
Five to stand steady
Six for my step
And seven to get ready
For eight pounding my head
And it's nine to stay alive
When I close my eyes.
Ten to give in to waking life again
Oh how did I get us into this mess that we're in?
I need to learn to say "when".
Oh when
My best friends are in bottles and tiny screens.
I do my best to follow so they don't notice me
How many can I swallow before they find me?
There's no use running when machines are after me.
Pleasure to make the mistake
Of always wanting more and more and more.
And more and more and more.
Pleasure to hear my voice quake.
Limit to my intake
Is always want to more and more and more.
And more and more and more.
I want more.
I always love a challenge.
Finding ways to balance
The need of wanting more and more and more.
And more and more and more.
It's a pleasure to take one more step
Closer to the edge
And then taking one more and more and more.
And more and more and more.
My best friends are in bottles and tiny screens.
I do my best to follow so they don't notice me.
I always love a challenge.
Finding ways to balance
The need of wanting more and more and more.
And more and more and more.
Pleasure to not feel worthless
When I find the purpose
For always wanting more and more and more
And more.
It's one to wake up bright
Two for an appetite
Three for the pressure
Four for the pain
Five to stand steady
Six for my step
And seven to get ready
For eight pounding my head
And it's nine to stay alive
When I close my eyes.
Ten to give in to waking life again
Oh how did I get us into this mess that we're in?
I need to learn to say "when".
Oh when
My best friends are in bottles and tiny screens.
I do my best to follow so they don't notice me
How many can I swallow before they find me?
There's no use running when machines are after me.
Writer(s): Veronica Carrier
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
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