
Grief never ends...
But it changes its passage
Not a place to stay
Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith
It's the price of love

Every time I close my eyes I could see your face
Poke my head up to the sky as I plead my case
My heart hurts and this type of pain I can't embrace
I just pray that life's lovely up in heavens gates
Are you chilling Zoe, are you awake there
Our time's coming, do you miss us, will you wait there
Our spirits high but we're well aware that this ain't fair
We lose apart of us everyday that you ain't here

It hits me when the sun goes down
Man I'm I'm feeling lost right now
Thinking of the time we spent
You keep running through my head
And I wish you wasn't gone
And I wish you wasn't gone
See I heard it's always calm even right before the storm
Got the message on my phone and now I feel alone

Please bare with me as I progress
I hope to share my scars - some feelings that I posses
Wear my heart up on my sleeve with some success
But every time I hear your name, I get this feeling in my chest
Marcus, can you hear me
I'll do anything just to bring you near me
We ain't get the proper goodbye, wish you weren't gone
Wish you stayed off that bike, I wish you stayed at home
I love you brotha, now that there is straight facts
But I'm left to deal with the fact you ain't coming back
I know your listening send a text if you can
I pray that when I'm down you'll come rescue me man
I pray that your at peace free of pain please hear me out
RIP my angels, hope y'all don't mind that I air it out
I hope that in the end - you'll await for your friend
I hope when it's time we can kick it again
I hope that in the end - you'll await for your friend
I hope when it's time we can kick it again

It hits me when the sun goes down
Man I'm I'm feeling lost right now
Thinking of the time we spent
You keep running through my head
And I wish you wasn't gone
And I wish you wasn't gone
See I heard it's always calm even right before the storm
Got the message on my phone and now I feel alone

Now you lay me down to sleep
I praise the lord my soul to keep
If I should die before I wake
I praise the lord my soul to take
Bless momma bless poppa
Bless sister bless brother
Bless everyone in the whole entire world
In Jesus name I pray, amen

Writer(s): Bash Atlas
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