
I'm running out of time
And I get lost in my mind
But I gotta get it right
Or I'll lose my hope tonight
'Cause one day we're gonna fall
And the world won't end at all
All the times you spent just stressing and lusting
Are gonna feel so small

We worry about friends and we worry about trust
We worry about our clothes and if our life is enough
We call each other fakes but we all play the liar
And worry defines us so we don't fight it with fire
We choose just move on
'Cause there's things more important
And the bus we're all on isn't stopping for no one
There's a meeting to get to another class to attend
Another banquet or a funeral or an evening with friends

It never stops
And if it does we're defeated
We think the world is against us or in some way we're cheated
And if we're all merely players what's our exit and entrance?
Will it take a level-up? A revive? Or another mention?
We strive for a future we've seen, heard or read
But the future we're thinking of's only three days ahead
We worry about our size and what we see in the mirror
And all our love and our passion is only driven by fear

We need a moment
To breathe, to get up
To find the passion that's inside us or to search for some luck
And if the world is against you take the time to get up
Ignore the news, ignore the pressure and realize that you're enough
We care so much
How we act, what people see
Their perception's our direction as we change who we've been texting
We struggle not to live, but to ignore
To fight our own battles and settle all our own scores

The less you read, the more you dread when the walls begin to crash
And sometimes the hardest moment's when you step on the gas
And the day you learned to walk you didn't think about clothes
Or the battles you'd fight or the friends that you chose
We hold on
And while the world whips you around
You cling to the girl, to the clothes, to this song
There's not a moment you don't wonder what you're doing with your life
If you've been sleeping
You've been reading, staying active, eating right

I'm running out of time
And I get lost in my mind
But I gotta get it right
Or I'll lose my hope tonight
'Cause one day we're gonna fall
And the world won't end at all
All times you spent just stressing and lusting
Are gonna feel so small

Almost eight billion people but you've been given this life
Got 80 years to make a difference or just live your own life
So is the destination happiness? A family? Success?
And in reflection will you ask yourself could it have been less?
The only way you'll find the truth is if you choose to explore
And although jungles may help, you gotta look to your core
And the world can be deceiving as you travel the road
'Cause you're putting a lot of faith in your occipital lobe
Our trust is misplaced, as we wander through life
The only way that we get through is in the dark with a knife
And when you realize there's no difference between drugs or a kiss
You won't look back and regret the opportunities you missed

You've got a different face for every group of your friends
And the you we see on Facebook is the you who pretends
Your ego fades away while you're alone in your room
'Cause authenticity's dwindling while we shoot for the moon
So give up
You're not niche or unique
And the mirror's voice is stronger than your will to succeed
It's hard enough to get there, even harder to leave
When you want nothing more but just to lay down and sleep

The world'll want more 'til you need it to stop
And the day you stop learning is the day that you drop
Take your time with every minute, find a way that you can spin it
When you're finished you'll be winning
Every time that you've been listening
Hold on
While the tides roll on
And now the world won't stop while it strings you along
The only way to get home is if you get through the days
But mixed feelings'll hold you in a million ways

This one's for you, for your perception, your view
And although it takes time, I know that you'll make it through
Just 'cause you're not there yet
Don't mean the tides won't stop the days of mixed feelings for you
It takes perception and time

Writer(s): Callan Murphy
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