
Lions are the most sociable of all cats
With 10 -15 in prides usually
Females do almost all of the hunting
While the males protect their territory

Though they will often
Steal other prides and kill all the cubs
Then mate with the lionesses
To ensure that their bloodline
Will carry on

Cubs are born with blue eyes which after
A couple of months turn brown or amber
Unlike domestic cats they have round pupils
Which helps make their vision better

Letting more light in
Which is great for the dark as they hunt
Mostly between dusk and dawn
Like a thumb, they use their dew claw
To hold prey down

Lions are known as the
King of the jungle
Due to their immense power

Lions have enemies
Such as the hyena
Though they face no predators

Elephants, buffalos, wildebeest and
Zebras are often prey

They are known to sometimes sleep for up to
20 hours a day

Lions roars can be heard
From five miles away which
Can serve for different functions

Lions tend to live for
12-16 years
Before they get weak and shunned

The older the lion
The darker the mane
Lions are top of the food chain

Writer(s): Nick Naylor
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