Pennies in the Garden

I was shorter than the kitchen cabinet
I still have to stand on my toes even now

When I found out that my dog was in the ground
I cried for days, lifting more than just pounds

As a kid I could sleep through the whole night
Would sometimes walk to the back window to turn off the porch light

The things that keep me awake now
Are the same things that used to somehow

Left my hometown, watched it fade
So far behind into
The backdrop of places that I can find
Without looking at my map with swerved lines

Heard your voice carry through the hallway
Wrote down random words just to fill up the time

I'll move my feet and feel them carry me
To the front door, feeling small and unrefined

Tonight I'll fill my lungs with more
Take off my button down
And run around the house
Just to prove that I'm not a bore

Writer(s): Katie Kelley
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