It will take years to let you go
I'll never understand or know
Why did you leave me here alone
To live through this
Drowning in voices that had followed you
From long ago
All of the pictures that they took of you
Really never showed
I think of all the time that you knew
I wish that you could've made it through
I know that you deserved
To have a second chance with this
You looked through me so I just
Followed you to watch you sleep
I talked to you about the things that
We could forever keep
Now I reach for someone to hold
So apart while I'm getting old
Life is not supposed to turn on you
And end like this
All the choices that you made were fatal
They never cared enough to see you be cradled
Now everything has fallen on the table
You pulled away because of all the people
I'll never understand or know
Why did you leave me here alone
To live through this
Drowning in voices that had followed you
From long ago
All of the pictures that they took of you
Really never showed
I think of all the time that you knew
I wish that you could've made it through
I know that you deserved
To have a second chance with this
You looked through me so I just
Followed you to watch you sleep
I talked to you about the things that
We could forever keep
Now I reach for someone to hold
So apart while I'm getting old
Life is not supposed to turn on you
And end like this
All the choices that you made were fatal
They never cared enough to see you be cradled
Now everything has fallen on the table
You pulled away because of all the people
Writer(s): Brian Rowland
Lyrics powered by
Altri album
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