At the Gay Rehab Camp

She met the girl of her dreams
At the gay rehab camp, where her parents
Had send her, cause parents know best
What's good for a girl in her tender years
La la la la. At the gay rehab camp

He met the boy of his dreams
At the gay rehab camp, where his father
Had send him, cause fathers know best
What's good for a boy who's not keen
On the masculine things he's supposed to enjoy
Like football and roaring and beating up people
At the gay rehab camp, la la la

A parent knows best, a parent knows best
That a child has a right to unhappiness
At the gay rehab camp, at the gay rehab camp

He found the girl of his dreams
at the gay rehab camp, where his parents
Had send him, cause they knew very well
What to do with a boy who likes to wear
Mascara and lipstick and flowers in his hair
At the gay rehab camp, they believed, he would learn
To behave like a man, but instead yes instead
At the gay rehab camp he suddenly realized
That the girl of his dreams was the girl in the mirror
At the gay rehab camp he suddenly knew
That the girl of his dreams was he
That the girl of his dreams was she
That the girl of her dreams was she

Writer(s): Susannah Reilingh
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