Calling Out

And it was written
For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish
Yet the inward man is renewed day by day

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment
Worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen
For the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal

You know
People talk about losing loved ones
But what happens when you lose someone that's been in your life for so long
They just disappear

I lost my best friend where do I go now
It's all part of the plan how do I move now
I'm not saying that I'm full of doubt
Cuz the apple hit Newton on the head it didn't knock him out
But this, this is a set back
How do I make that
Right from wrong when I committed wrong acts
I can't ask for another chance
So I'm doing what I know how cuz I can't change the past
But I need help to make these things last
I act how I was built I ain't changing plans
So I'm calling up above as a hurting man
Cuz I feel all alone 1 set of footprints in the sand
So how do I move forward and keep going strong
Cuz the all the backup behind me feels like it's gone
I may not be able to rectify the wrongs
So how do I go on when I feel so alone

I'm calling out

Where do I go now
I'm lost now
I need some guidance to keep me on route

I'm calling out

What do I do with the pain
I'm never gone be the same
I'm just saying

I'm calling out

Where do I go now
I'm lost now
I need some guidance to keep me on route

I'm calling out

What do I do with the pain
I'm never gone be the same
I'm just saying

It's hard now to walk down the right path
Cuz in everything I'm doing emotions are holding me back
And I got nowhere else to go so I have to ask
If this was really a part of my big plan
It coulda happened in any part of either of our pasts
But it happened now and I really can't understand
I'm not sitting here questioning the master plan
But it had to be a mistake right? Make it make sense
Cuz I'm struggling heavy
Nothings making me happy
I messed up royally
Now my friend's not behind me
I guess I gotta observe and realize the real truth
That it's because of me but I'm trying to blame you
It really hard to accept
Forgiveness is a hard act
But can things really be the same after all that?
I'm looking for answers that I don't expect
So I'm calling out now for all this to hurt less

I'm calling out

Where do I go now
I'm lost now
I need some guidance to keep me on route

I'm calling out

What do I do with the pain
I'm never gone be the same
I'm just saying

I'm calling out

Where do I go now
I'm lost now
I need some guidance to keep me on route

I'm calling out

What do I do with the pain
I'm never gone be the same
I'm just saying

And it is written

Have not I commanded thee?
Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed
For the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest

Writer(s): Johnathan Harford
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