For me and Ukraine (feat. Iryna Kotova)
Another flash outside is freaking me out
There is one question, and the question is am I about to die
The flash turns into bright terrible flame
It's spreading among buildings to burn over the night
I know you have cried already a lot, but listen
Though my speech here seems to be tight
I want to get on my knees and finally confess you, darling
I'm too scared to fight
I turned off the phone, I'm ready to roam, disobedient son of his concerned parents
Still, I'm here alone, my attention is drawn
To my dreams, they're gone
Here, sir, your path ends
A fraught dial tone is coming out a phone, i hear a drone, it needs to get coordinates
Of my empty home, I'm left on my own
And only the drone keeps buzzing around walls plates
Dad and son
The best friends
The neighbours dog
Life has reached its end
Right or wrong
Ready to blame
What should you do
For me and Ukraine
I am meditating on a huge roof, another day's placement, I'm ready to stay here by noon
A momentary lapse, is trying to prove me
I am not in a basement, emptying tins with a small, rusted spoon
For one day your mind is tuned into optimistic expert view
Hope wakes up and makes you believe that soon this nightmare will reach its end
But the second day you are convinced this world is doomed
Im frightened of how many ideas and almost reached goals I am forced to refuse now
That people I will never meet again, never hug, never say 'cheers', miss you too, chao
Dozens of songs of an unreleased album probably won't ever see the world, hell with them!
We shall believe somewhere the Ring of Power is being carried to Mordor by Frodo and Sam
Dad and son
The best friends
The neighbours dog
Life has reached its end
Right or wrong
Ready to blame
What should you do
For me and Ukraine
Dad and son
The best friends
The neighbours dog
Life has reached its end
Right or wrong
Ready to blame
What should you do
For me and Ukraine
There is one question, and the question is am I about to die
The flash turns into bright terrible flame
It's spreading among buildings to burn over the night
I know you have cried already a lot, but listen
Though my speech here seems to be tight
I want to get on my knees and finally confess you, darling
I'm too scared to fight
I turned off the phone, I'm ready to roam, disobedient son of his concerned parents
Still, I'm here alone, my attention is drawn
To my dreams, they're gone
Here, sir, your path ends
A fraught dial tone is coming out a phone, i hear a drone, it needs to get coordinates
Of my empty home, I'm left on my own
And only the drone keeps buzzing around walls plates
Dad and son
The best friends
The neighbours dog
Life has reached its end
Right or wrong
Ready to blame
What should you do
For me and Ukraine
I am meditating on a huge roof, another day's placement, I'm ready to stay here by noon
A momentary lapse, is trying to prove me
I am not in a basement, emptying tins with a small, rusted spoon
For one day your mind is tuned into optimistic expert view
Hope wakes up and makes you believe that soon this nightmare will reach its end
But the second day you are convinced this world is doomed
Im frightened of how many ideas and almost reached goals I am forced to refuse now
That people I will never meet again, never hug, never say 'cheers', miss you too, chao
Dozens of songs of an unreleased album probably won't ever see the world, hell with them!
We shall believe somewhere the Ring of Power is being carried to Mordor by Frodo and Sam
Dad and son
The best friends
The neighbours dog
Life has reached its end
Right or wrong
Ready to blame
What should you do
For me and Ukraine
Dad and son
The best friends
The neighbours dog
Life has reached its end
Right or wrong
Ready to blame
What should you do
For me and Ukraine
Writer(s): Krystina Kovtun
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