Yea, yea, yea, yea, yea
My ancestors
Were on the first fleet bitch
Im that anglo
Its pretty hard to beat bitch
Settled on the beach bitch
Showed the abos who's boss
Oh your land is stolen what a loss
Lil Darren
The sickest cunt to bless this planet
When it comes to ethnics u know that I'd ban em
Coz fuck the dogs
Stop taking me job
Tony Abbott was right all along
When he said we gotta ban these fucking boats
Cunt i do the most to suppress minorities
Screaming fuck authority
How ya gonna keep an real anglo down
Blowing all my money at Crown but i never gave a fuck
My ancestors
Were on the first fleet bitch
Im that anglo
Its pretty hard to beat bitch
Settled on the beach bitch
Showed the abos who's boss
Oh your land is stolen what a loss
My ancestors
Were on the first fleet bitch
Im that anglo
Its pretty hard to beat bitch
Settled on the beach bitch
Showed the abos who's boss
Oh your land is stolen what a loss
Now these abos want some compensation
Thats why i don't pay tax
They bring up segregation
Like cunt relax
It happened 300 years ago
Its not like i fucking did it
Pass the billy I'm gonna rip it
Pussies on the socials screaming its invasion day
Their opinion doesn't matter coz they came out as gay
You minority
Go fuck urself
Ya fucking fag dog
My ancestors
Were on the first fleet bitch
Im that anglo
Its pretty hard to beat bitch
Settled on the beach bitch
Showed the abos who's boss
Oh your land is stolen what a loss
Yea, yea, yea, yea, yea
My ancestors
Were on the first fleet bitch
Im that anglo
Its pretty hard to beat bitch
Settled on the beach bitch
Showed the abos who's boss
Oh your land is stolen what a loss
Lil Darren
The sickest cunt to bless this planet
When it comes to ethnics u know that I'd ban em
Coz fuck the dogs
Stop taking me job
Tony Abbott was right all along
When he said we gotta ban these fucking boats
Cunt i do the most to suppress minorities
Screaming fuck authority
How ya gonna keep an real anglo down
Blowing all my money at Crown but i never gave a fuck
My ancestors
Were on the first fleet bitch
Im that anglo
Its pretty hard to beat bitch
Settled on the beach bitch
Showed the abos who's boss
Oh your land is stolen what a loss
My ancestors
Were on the first fleet bitch
Im that anglo
Its pretty hard to beat bitch
Settled on the beach bitch
Showed the abos who's boss
Oh your land is stolen what a loss
Now these abos want some compensation
Thats why i don't pay tax
They bring up segregation
Like cunt relax
It happened 300 years ago
Its not like i fucking did it
Pass the billy I'm gonna rip it
Pussies on the socials screaming its invasion day
Their opinion doesn't matter coz they came out as gay
You minority
Go fuck urself
Ya fucking fag dog
My ancestors
Were on the first fleet bitch
Im that anglo
Its pretty hard to beat bitch
Settled on the beach bitch
Showed the abos who's boss
Oh your land is stolen what a loss
Writer(s): Lil Darren
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