the 'B.O.P. '
I always thought my morning was something fresh
Make a beat, write a verse, put my skills to the test
But it's all a scam the big three control everything
You watch, see or hear, they control the radio and everything man
But still I'd do anything - and everything to stay relevant fam
I'll never hit the fan - tranq. like a tiger with an intelligent plan
Tons of people love to listen to me develop the jam
But I do this for me and no-one else
Maybe I just need to practice rapping some more
But I do this for me and no-one else
Maybe, I just need time, to even see your name
But its unavoidable
When its affordable
Learn the lesson about some sucky pussy, early on
I'm not going to fall for this
Mourning of the industry - I'll just carry on
We could go all out big and do a hit like Barry Bonds
But I'd rather hit like Jeter and make a million songs
Show the people all of this poetry and bring the brilliance on
Maybe, I just need to practice rapping some more
The industry is dumb; I won't be captured in war
I ain't no sell out bout to dive into that scam
Or maybe I just need to practice rapping some more
Make a beat, write a verse, put my skills to the test
But it's all a scam the big three control everything
You watch, see or hear, they control the radio and everything man
But still I'd do anything - and everything to stay relevant fam
I'll never hit the fan - tranq. like a tiger with an intelligent plan
Tons of people love to listen to me develop the jam
But I do this for me and no-one else
Maybe I just need to practice rapping some more
But I do this for me and no-one else
Maybe, I just need time, to even see your name
But its unavoidable
When its affordable
Learn the lesson about some sucky pussy, early on
I'm not going to fall for this
Mourning of the industry - I'll just carry on
We could go all out big and do a hit like Barry Bonds
But I'd rather hit like Jeter and make a million songs
Show the people all of this poetry and bring the brilliance on
Maybe, I just need to practice rapping some more
The industry is dumb; I won't be captured in war
I ain't no sell out bout to dive into that scam
Or maybe I just need to practice rapping some more
Writer(s): Krysler Fedérale
Lyrics powered by
Altri album
- SONGS...the LAWYER'S (specifically) advised NOT TO RELEASE!
- She Wanna Hear the Beatbox / Live by the Gun
- The System Took My Mind / The Steel Took My Life
- Music From the Archive
- ave KRYSLER FEDERALE, morituri te salutant (1989-2022)
- The First Cut is Always Free! (Summer '22 Teaser)
- FOCUSED. let the progress wake-em up - Single
- the 'B.O.P. '
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