Feather Lift

You're mine
You're just so precious
I couldn't have possibly imagined you'd be anymore beautiful

Now that you're here
I want the world for you

I want you to taste life
I want you to feel what it's like to live

Mother, can you hear me?
I so desperately want to be close
My beating heart is all my own
I remember what it was like to be One with you

I'm my own person now
It feels hard

I'm afraid I'll feel alone forever
I'm afraid I'll be out drifting at sea

Where's the shore?
Where are you?

Please... please

Baby, I'm right here
I'm everywhere

You can touch
You can taste
You can smell
You can see
You can feel me

Use your senses, my love, I am here
Even if you were drifting out at sea, I Am the ocean
We are in a dance of crashing waves

The shores you land on may seem lonely
But if you look closer, there's a billion grains of sand

We can never be separate, my love
We can never be separate

I'll hold your heart
With feather light touch
Just under it enough so you can feel me there

I'm not going anywhere
You don't have to walk alone
You don't have to be lonely
I've got you

Writer(s): Erica Shapiro
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
