The Perspective

Why the fuck do I wanna do this?
My life
Man my life has been a constant ebb and flow
Failure, success, failure, success, failure, success
And maybe that's everybody's life
But the interesting part is
That the failures
They don't really bother me
The success bothers me more
You see once you get past that sudden high
Your constantly consumed with the feeling that you can be doing more
Well if I'm good at this, how good could I be at something else you know?
I've had a lot of success in my life, but its always a juxtaposition that fucks me up even At my highest points

For example: In football, I was nice, sure, I got scholarships, recognition, the whole 9 But I could always look to my left and right and see somebody that was just better than Me
In the navy, I was a great officer, respected amongst most people I worked with, sure But even when they ranked me number one, there was always somebody I felt was better than me
But in rap
I look to the left of me, I look to the right, and I even look up and I genuinely feel like I'm Better than all these niggas
One of the most important things about rap is your perspective, and hip hop tells the Story of two stories, the extremely rich nigga, and the extremely broke nigga
What about the nigga in the middle, that might have his shit together, but simply wants More?
Who the fuck is talking to us?
Who the fuck is representing us?
We as a culture share way more experiences than rap cares to speak about, but I feel Like I tie those in perfectly
I feel like my life, is a story that hip-hop hasn't heard before which makes me a fucking Unicorn in this sea of rappers today
But time will tell if I'm right about that or not
I thank you for taking the time to listen to my resume
Hopefully, you enjoy the personal part of it and I'm good enough to get the job

Writer(s): Jamaal Williams
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