Youths in Chains

To the youths in streets
Obeying the clarion call
I just want to know
When and how you lost it
Was it when you heard
That the thieves were regrouping
To loot our wealth
Was it how you lost it
Was it when you heard
That farmers were massacred
And you didn't know
That your mothers were there

To the youths in chains
Being kept in diffident
I want you to know
You're the whole world's greatest
Though they tied you up
Kept you in penury
You still have to know
You're the whole world's greatest
Though they tied you up
Kept you in diffident
I want you to know
You're the whole world's greatest

Was it when you heard
Of killings across the land
And how they didn't care
That you gave all your votes
Was it ASUU's strike
Or was it the economy
I just want to know
When and how you lost it
Was it even crimes
Or was it the kidnappings
I just want to know
Was it unemployment

To the youths in chains
Being kept in diffident
I want you to know
You're the whole world's greatest
Though they tied you up
Kept you in penury
You still have to know
You're the whole world's greatest
Though they tied you up
Kept you in diffident
I want you to know
You're the whole world's greatest

To the youths in chains
Being kept in diffident
I want you to know
You're the whole world's greatest
Though they tied you up
Kept you in penury
You still have to know
You're the whole world's greatest
Though they tied you up
Kept you in diffident
I want you to know
You're the whole world's greatest

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