Rescue Me
Now I've heard that you've been lookin' for some lovin'
Someone to take you by the hand
I want you to know that I've got plenty of honey
What I'm sayin' is baby here I am
Rescue me, I need your lovin'
Rescue me, I need some tender lovin' care
Rescue me, I need your lovin'
And I guarantee, I'll make you-so very happy
For so long I've been waitin' and waitin'
For someone like you to come along
Deep inside it's got me wanting' and achin'
For you to thrill me with your charm
Someone to take you by the hand
I want you to know that I've got plenty of honey
What I'm sayin' is baby here I am
Rescue me, I need your lovin'
Rescue me, I need some tender lovin' care
Rescue me, I need your lovin'
And I guarantee, I'll make you-so very happy
For so long I've been waitin' and waitin'
For someone like you to come along
Deep inside it's got me wanting' and achin'
For you to thrill me with your charm
Writer(s): Janice Marie Johnson, Byron Lee Miller, Roland Bautista
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Other Album Tracks
Altri album
- Boogie Oogie Oogie [Live (Remastered)]
- A Taste of Honey
- Taste of Honey: EP Collection
- The Cat
- Ladies of the Eighties
- Another Taste (Expanded Edition)
- The Gold Standard Series , Pop Classics - Taste Of Honey
- Boogie Oogie Oogie (Karaoke Version)
- Boogie Oogie Oogie (Re-Recorded / Remastered)
- Boogie Oogie Oogie
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