
Can you see me? im alone
I do fear you, you're in bold
Come help im stranded in the cold
And they see me, so come and help

Im pac-man running around from the ghosts
Oh, im not ready to get that cherry
Im helpless and reckless
Oh I eat everything on my path
So don't go in front of my teeth
Im just like a jaguar
So don't eat my cherry

Yuh, alright, okay

I don't see another thing my way
No ghosts down this dark road
This maze is impossible
Just know that there's an exit

You'll find a way out
Oh im not ready
To get out this maze

Im helpless and reckless
Eat everything in my path
Im pac-man
Im pac-man
Im pac-man
Don't you know, don't you know?
Im pac-man
Don't you know, don't you know?

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