Last Chance

This is your last chance cause I'm coming for everything
This shit raw deal aint the deal
Money aint fucking the deal
Lets payback
I don't care about this justice of this mf world
I'm better than that
Now you have nothing to do
Cause I'm suited up
The game
It's on

Which shit needs pussy to be pussy
Just be a pussy
Shit that
Be my opp
Fuck it like a drug
Bad bitches ain't the deal
I don't care about any hoes
This shit is ain't real

They offered me millions
I don't care who fuck you with
Bad bitches can fucking with
Dont trust any hoe
Comin' from the drought bitch
Who you think you are
Don't tell me what is the struggle
That bitch told me
She is a beauty

I'm living with my mistakes
That makes you the only mistake
I'm not afraid of any shit
World gives me the raw deal
And I'm ready to blast off deal
I don't care how good I'm
Last chance
Fuck it last chance

Game on
You mf ain't real
No deal
Fuck you hoes
Comin from nothin'
Lovely to see
You MF's choking
Got no value
Fuck you all
All the pussies
Hangin out
Got no fucking sticky cows
Fuck these hoes
Like I'm talking with flows
I ain't got no rose for this hoes

Last chance
I just fucking you bitch
Talkin like shit
It turns me on it
I just spilled that bitch
When you broke asses
Try to find her on it

I aint deal for these broke bitches
They are hangin' out with lil dickes
They are nothing without a lipsticks
Like I'm mixin' with


You are exactly just a meat
But I don't eat low priced meat
Go cry down the hill
Lil pussy hoe

You never get attention
You can attention from the shit

You are a disgrace to humanity
Hang out with the small dicks
That's what you deserve
Your pussy can't take longer
Hang out with the losers

Let me tell you just
You're a pathetic vile mindless blind bitch
You are no different than the food in the garbage
You smell bad, you are worthless just like the people next to you
Mindless vile bitch, even your family hates you
No one loves you but the stupid monkey next to you
(Sorry for Monkeys)
You menstruate in animals this filth into your life
But soon you'll all be on leashes, not animals

You're a stinking mindless blind useless vain bitch
You will burn in the garbage with your friends
You are a disgrace to humanity

You can get that much in your mouth
Go away now, you're no longer useable, you're a loss
I'm not talking about your education level, seriously
Coward who can't fight
Who thinks she's fighting and is actually nothing But a stupid
What are you doing?
I'm chopping your pussies
Your pussy aint enough
I need 10 more like you
Your mind is narrow like your pussy
Stupid bitches who think they hurt me
I'm not mad any more hoes
No different from thrown toilet paper

I learned from my mistakes
That makes you the only mistake

(Keep Goin')

Keep in mind
You are nothing but a hoe
You are useless
You can sell your body that's all
Sorry you are free to use
And I'm not gonna miss u
Not even fuckin' love u
You can't even walk on the same sidewalk as me
The dump you live in
You are a mindless person who makes herself suffer


No place for bitches on the road to success
No place for useless people like you on the road to success
You're a dumb cryin' bitch you're worthless and
Mad at God
You are useless to this world anyway

You console the pain to others
You don't know what you want in life
Then you become a crying stupid bitch
That's what you are
I don't need pathetic beings
Dont tell struggle bitch
I fuckin' lived it
Who comment on things like without knowing
Now I have the power and I don't make a deal for money or fame
Anyone who upsets my inner child will be punished
Be careful with yourselves

Next to you blind deaf-mute
Sorry to tell you
Your creation is a mistake
Bitches talkin dadada

What's like babababa
Fuckin with low spirits they are all gonna die
What about now
You can be my maid
Oh sorry you fall off
Do you want attention
Ask it
Don't you want attention
Last chance
(Sing it)
Last Chance
(This is)
Last Chance
(Fuck you bitches)
All the World

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