Slow Down

Caught up in the chaos, busy losing focus
Mind feels lost in a sea of thoughts
The dirt kicks up and the water clouds
The pace picks up, it's too fast now

It's a losing game of worry when your head is in a hurry
And nothing will be clear long as everything is blurry
This race is tough, trying not to drown
The waves get rough and you're missing out

You need to just slow down
Slow down all the way
Hear what the heart is trying to say

'Cause you can't really listen
When you're busy doing business
And the dirt will only settle
When your mind learns not to rattle

Move slow, slow down all the way
You'll be okay

What does it do? Where does the worry take you?
Only drowning in that swirling sea
Will you believe your own heart can take you
To the clearer waters that you seek?
You have to trust

And just slow down
Slow down all the way
Hear what the heart is trying to say

'Cause you can't really listen
When you're busy doing business
And your days will be a battle
'Til your mind learns not to rattle
Move slow, slow down all the way

And you can only get there
When you take a pace that's steady
When you make the space inside
To let your intuition guide you
Move slow, slow down

Just slow down
Slow down all the way
Hear what the heart is trying to say

'Cause you can only listen
When you make your mind your business
When you clear your head of chaos
Then your heart can be your compass
Move slow, slow down all the way

You'll likely find at that slower pace
That everything is more than okay
That the chaos is calm and the water is clear
And the mind that was lost has found its home here
In a Love that surrounds
'Cause you slowed down

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