
Gather around and let me tell you a story
Come here, listen closely
One day I woke up and everything had changed
Couldn't remember anything not even my last name

Stared at my phone like who sent those texts?
Seems I put my old self to rest
Nowhere to go, I was out on the street
Tryna find the table, where's my seat

Listen to me listen to me I was begging
Can you hear me? I'm just checking
Everything spinning I kept forgetting
Tried to keep my cool but I was sweating

I wrote my name on my wrist
Couldn't get through the day without a list
Who was the last person that I kissed?
It wasn't the person that I missed

It was 4 am and I couldn't fucking sleep
Another all nighter I was in too deep
All the cars coming at me like beep beep beep
I thought my sanity was something I could keep

They tried to keep me locked up
Looked around me but I had no backup
Hands cuffed, I was put into a K-hole
You best believe I didn't let them take my soul

My reality was twisted and distorted
I knew if I held on I'd get it all sorted
Woke up in the ICU alone and confused
Calling for help but it was no fucking use

Popped so many pills I couldn't even count
Spent all my cash, had nothing in my bank account
Somehow I still believed in my dreams
Tried to move to Ottawa to increase my streams

Shit hit the fan and I got scammed
Had a roof over my head, god-fuckin-damn
I left everyone in Sauga behind for nothing
Was tryna escape all the pain, I was rushing

Thought I knew who was on my side
I did everything I could, I fucking tried
But most people just didn't understand
They've never seen anyone fall in the sand


I know I wasn't in my right mind
But all I needed was someone to be kind
They were scared of ME but I was terrified
Would they have even cared if I fucking died?

I turned to music to help me escape
Tried to figure out my spot on the landscape
I just wanted my voice to be heard
What happened to me was fucking absurd

Trapped like a lion in a cage
Going in circles it drove me to rage
All I ever wanted was freedom
Get these bitches off me I don't need em

Had to learn to be careful who I trust
Need to stop falling out of lust
Shuffle the cards or go get a new deck
Had to go get my sanity fucking checked

I wish you knew that wasn't the real me
I was haunted by demons attacking me
Fought for my life every single day
I knew there had to be a way

I'm sorry for my disappearance
I found my way through perseverance
Asked for help and finally received it
Where I am now you wouldn't believe it

I was granted with a second chance
Things look the same at first glance
But I been healing and growing
Now I think I know where I'm going

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