Echoes in Eternity

Ah a ah
Steady on the stars
I know your heart's been out there
Searching for songs long lost dear
I'll find the stars
Your voice been searching out there
Worn out with hope you're out here
We must go on
Ah a ah
And imma go on till Orion's Belt is the same level as my waist
While I'm holding on to Saturn's rings and I got Stardust on my face
I'm jogging in space so just in
Case my body decays my heart is in place
My spirit's encased I just got a taste of my soul in supernova phase
I know I made some mistakes
I'm doing whatever it takes
Take a look at the stakes
See it all in my gaze
I ain't taking no breaks
I got a meeting with fate
I'm not turning up late
So fuck what you goan say
Goddamn I'm Sirius
My light's burning brightest for billions
Imma live it up
Till the only thing I'm breathing in is pixie dust
Imma reach the stars
Till our heart's in synch
And I'm full of gas
While my heart is beating full of hydrogen
High frequencies in my arteries
And I can hardly speak
Of my travels peak
So when my bones are weak I let my soul
Run away run away
To a place I cannot faint
Steady on steady on
Place my feet on steady ground
I'll find the stars
Ah a ah
So fuck it I'm ready to lunch
To the sun and the stars and way beyond
To the place where time and space begun
Till my soul comes face to face with God
Till I have visions as Johann Bayer
Till hope is only the form of Prayer
No matter how faint i see the crater
We're living for something that's way greater
It's way bigger than paper
It's way beyond the radar
It's way beyond the data
Mood is fuck a hater
Zooming off like a racer
Light it up like a laser
Leave a trail like a tracer
Taking off like a pacer
Then take a breath
Only angels can retrace my Steps
Heaven gained a guest
When I made it past
The exospheres
Already faced with death
And I didn't even sweat
So i know I'm blessed
I don't know what's next
Know the stars reflect
What's beneath my chest
I will not neglect
Whatever it is I felt
I jus Play my cards
Whatever it is I'm dealt
Loving all the scars
All the times I bled
Eyes on the stars
See with different lens
See you and I
No difference
I see reasons why
I'm moving like a jet
A million miles ahead
A million miles ahead
A million miles ahead
A million miles ahead
Take a look at the stars and you goan find me there
A million miles ahead
A million miles ahead
A million miles ahead
Going on is my only Strategy
Hope is the catalyst of the Alchemy
Make greatness out your tragedy
Till we're echoes in eternity
Yo! Tosin Tosin T.K.O Tosin
Fuck you always looking at the skies for man?
Mahn, it's the stars bruh, they always remind me that there's light
You know something out there, that no shadow can touch
Yh whatever, Fuck that shit tho!
What we doing tonight?

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