
There's this spot on the wall
Where I lock my eyes when you talk
I can't hear what you say
It's probably nice not to stay
Tried to read you between the lines
While you're thinking of the afterlife

And I forget I like to sing
I forget I used to write
I get so stuck inside my head
I only think of what they might like

And I forget about rocknroll
I forget how much I tried
I get so caught up in my thoughts
I don't remember what I'm like

Always wondered who you are
Inside those bones and jaws
Kids spend a life to investigate
The love we get but can't inflate
And I keep sliding onto your lane
It feels safe here in common pain

But i forget I like to sing
I forget I used to write
I get so stuck inside my head
I only think of what they might like

And I forget about rocknroll
I forget how much I tried
I get so caught up in my thoughts
Don't remember what I'm like

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