Albert Einstein

Ọmọ ọlọpọlọ, ọpọlọ pọ lọpọlọpọ
You know me, where I come from, pọtọ-pọtọ
Ọrọ pọ ọ n'iwe kọbọ, ko dẹ sọrọ (ko dẹ sọrọ mọ)
Better talk loud, who dey murmur?
Ore t'Oluwa to ti ṣe, ko ma common
12-07, emi stubborn
Me no sending, baby, jẹ'n mọ, baby, jẹ'n mọ (jẹ'n mọ)

No weapon fashioned against me must to prosper against me
Study me, Albert Einstein, to the science, Albert Einstein
Greatest, wọn le ba mi, mi o sun àwọn boys, ko le ka me
Study me, Albert Einstein, to the science, Albert Einstein
No weapon fashioned against me must to prosper against me
Study me, Albert Einstein, to the science, Albert Einstein
Greatest, wọn le ba mi, mi o sun àwọn boys, ko le ka me
Study me, Albert Einstein, to the science, Albert Einstein

Play Konami, figo-figo, ṣo mọ iṣiro Valentino, Casamigo?
Shoutout to all my amigos, ni suru, jẹ n mu'gbo
Nobody must to know, ma fi mi ta ludo, baby, I know, o ti to o (Professor)

No weapon fashioned against me must to prosper against me
Study me, Albert Einstein, to the science, Albert Einstein
Greatest, wọn le ba mi, mi o sun àwọn boys, ko le ka me
Study me, Albert Einstein, to the science, Albert Einstein
No weapon fashioned against me, must to prosper against me
Study me, Albert Einstein, to the science, Albert Einstein
Greatest, wọn le ba mi, mi o sun àwọn boys, ko le ka me
Study me, Albert Einstein, to the science, Albert Einstein

Writer(s): Afolabi Oluwaloseyi, Gbolahan Isiaka
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