No Filter

I was born a month before the due date
Maybe that's why I am always rushing, but still always late
My Birthday's the loneliest day of the year
Valentine's Day, ain't that a funny thing?
I'm healing heartbreak with the melody
This sadness settled deep in me
Racing down my veins
Then bursting into flames
Growing roots inside my head
Oh, just like that
I've got no filter when I speak
No filter when I think
No filter when I feel
Or when I do, when I do anything
I'm feeling everything
Oh, every single thing
And everyone
And everywhere
And all at once
I burst into a million pieces
Of broken promises and lyrics
Of people that have left their mark
A forest fire started with a single spark
I swear I'll burn this city to the ground
One day when I will come around
With stripes I've earned, battles I've won
But that won't be enough to love me still
How do you think that makes me feel?
Well fuck you, fuck you, fuck all of you
I'd rather be alone than a prideless fool
So I'll write songs you'll never hear
And watch these crystal clear blue tears
Drip on the ashy floor
And sit here waiting with an open door
Hoping I will hear your voice
Footsteps up the stairs
But this is only in my head I know
Cause no one ever cares to call
I'm all alone
Feels like I'll never be enough
Cause I've got no filter when it comes to love

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