Taulant Murati -
Taulant Murati: Chameleon Countertenor, Original EDM Songs with Lyrics, Vol. 13 ('Electric Faith')
Love Reboot (Psalm 136:1-3) [Original EDM Dong with Lyrics]
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Other Album Tracks
- Awakening (Original EDM Song with Lyrics) [Psalm 119:105]
- Spark Within (Original EDM Song with Lyrics) [Psalm 42:11]
- Faithwire (Original EDM Song with Lyrics) [Psalm 23:4]
- Pulse of Hope (Original EDM Song with Lyrics) [Psalm 71:5]
- Eternal Frequency (Original EDM Song with Lyrics) [Psalm 90:2]
- Love Reboot (Psalm 136:1-3) [Original EDM Dong with Lyrics]
- Circuit Breaker (Original EDM Song with Lyrics) [Psalm 46:1-3]
- Glowing Embers (Original EDM Song with Lyrics) [Psalm 139:12]
- Voltage of Grace (Original EDM Song with Lyrics) [Psalm 84:11]
- Resonance (Original EDM Song with Lyrics) [Psalm 100:4]
Altri album
- Unshakable Faith (Hebrews 11:1, Surah Al-Imran 3:159) [Original EDM Song with Lyrics]
- Patience and Perseverance (Surah Al-Noor 24:35) [Original EDM Song with Lyrics]
- Joy in the Morning (Psalm 30:5) [Original EDM Song with Lyrics]
- Rise Above (Psalm 30:5) [Original EDM Song with Lyrics]
- New Dawn (Revelation 21:1-4) [Original EDM Song with Lyrics]
- Divine Light (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:153) [Original EDM Song with Lyrics]
- Trust in Allah (Surah Al-Imran 3:159) [Original EDM Song with Lyrics]
- Covenant (Genesis 9:13-17, Surah Al-A'raf 7:73) [Original EDM Song with Lyrics]
- Two Lights (Surah Al-Layl 92:1-4) [Original EDM Song with Lyrics]
- Stand Still (Exodus 14:14) [Original EDM Song with Lyrics]
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