Religiously Deceptive History

This is Religiously
Deceptive History
It starts with one thing
Then modern day
And all in between

I thought Christianity caused a lot of brother wars
I'm sure that it did, but now I see there's something more
In order to spread it
We see an AntiWhite method
The same one used in the Middle East to spread Islam to Arabs
It was AntiWhite mimicry they pretended to be us
It's still used in modern day to try to scape the goat on us
Targeted the lower class and said "the last shall be first"
And then shot for royalty to put us all in a hearse
Judaism teaches blood is passed down from the Mothers
How convenient, they married into royalty their daughters
And now we find there were countless
Royals, Kings and Queens and Saints
Who falsified their names
In attempt to erase our faith
St. Patrick left us in grievance
Turns out he wasn't European
He changed his name to Patrick
Then he slayed and attacked us
Burning our Books
Killing off Druids and Druid princesses
He did his crimes out of town
Was born in Brittany France
When he said he was killing snakes
He was killing our faith
Ireland never had snakes
Persecution inland we escaped
And we took with us in faith
Our Druid symbol, the snake
All these violent deceivers I name they say we should celebrate
St George, St Andrews and St Nicholas
None of them were European like they did present to us
Saint Olav, the man who forced the conversion of Norway
Tried to marry a Swedish royal in attempt to invade
She declined and said she'd never give up her folk ways
So, he smacked her and the next chapter was a rise among to slay
The battle of Svolder when Norwegians teamed up with Swedes
When they forced this dictator out, do you know to where he fled?

Religiously Deceptive History
It starts with one thing
Then modern day
And all in between
This is religiously
Deceptive history
They gave us Bibles
Taking rifles
Nightmares selling dreams
This is religiously
Deceptive History

They tried to hide it, but due to honest scholars it's undeniable
Europeans were in America long before other Colonials
Among Amerindians good things were written of our folk
We were here way before the dreadful Cristóbal Colón
Well, since they lied about the Bible
And they lie in Modern day
We shouldn't be surprised there's lies throughout all of history
During all the ethnic cleansing times within the USA
You see a massive rise across of non-European DNA
At the times of deceptive deals with whiskey
Slaughters, and the rapes
And all the other lands of slaughters, you find the exact same trace
When was the first American slaughter? Another lie we've been told
Columbus changed his name then did it, was he European? No
He was banned from Spain the year he traveled and his letters show
What country he was heading to trading his scrap pieces for their gold
He planned a surprise attack against the Arabs from the East
Then, finding America, he took as a sign from almighty
That America was the promised land to be delivered to his peeps
As late as 1890, there's religious persecution, Wounded Knee
Columbus was following Torah, the book of Deuteronomy
"When God cuts off the Nations, you shall dwell in their lands"
12:29 is where you'll find the dirty hands
But you can find them once again
In Deuteronomy 20:10
Through verse 15
"When you attack cities"
"If they open doors make them slaves"
"And if they don't then you slay"
And that's exactly what he did, if they did cooperate
And if they did not convert, that's when he gave them all graves
The same justification is used on Palestinians today
I want this information to heal people and protect us from more pain

Religiously Deceptive History
It starts with one thing
Then modern day
And all in between
This is religiously
Deceptive history
They gave us Bibles
Taking rifles
Nightmares selling dreams

"Your male and female slaves are to come from the Nations around you"
"From them you may buy slaves"
"They will become your property"
"You can will them to your children
And make them your slaves for life"
"But you must not rule harshly over your fellow Israelites"
Leviticus 25:44-46
This is in the Torah, not the New Testament
Jews follow the Torah and not the New Testament
Christians follow the New Testament
So, now let's look at THAT script
Ephesians 6 5-7
"Serve your Earth masters like you'd serve Christ or God in heaven"
See, they gave a group of people scriptures on how to be a slave
While they were following scriptures on how to enslave
And history has proven to show it's always been the same
Europeans were enslaved
In the 9th and 10th Century
By so-called Muslims
But, In case you were wondering
Arabs weren't the ones running them
All of history is plummeting
We can also look at documents saved on the Atlantic
Names of Ships and Owners show us a real clear understanding
Westmen, go with your gut, it's exactly what it is seeming
All of the slave trades were never ran by Europeans
A lot of Europeans came to America as slaves
Tried to teach us they were servants to minimize the cascade
When most were kidnapped children and they were made slaves for life
Passed on with inheritance
So, the false claims I am clearing it
Some other slaves you don't hear about were Arabs and Chinese
The Bible said "all Nations will bow before bending knee"
"And dust will be licked off their Masters"
You didn't hear this from your pastors
"I will break in pieces the Goyim"
This death cult lives to destroy you

Deceptive History
It starts with one thing
Then modern day
And all in between
This is religiously
Deceptive history
They gave us Bibles
Taking rifles
Nightmares selling dreams

Atonement cannot be made for a grievance never committed
So, the last thing I would want
Is guilt forced on any race of children
Still "Atonement cannot be made for a grievance never committed"
Just took on a whole new meaning to me, I hope you're listening

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