The Music That Makes Me Dance
I know you're around
When the sky and the ground start in ringing
I know you're around
By the thunder I hear in advance
Your words and your words alone
Are the words that start my heart singing
And yours is the only music that makes me dance
You'll sleep and you'll rise
In the light of two eyes that adore you
Bore you it might
But you won't leave my sight for a glance
In every way, everyday, I need less of myself
And need more you, more you
Yours is the only music that makes me dance
In every way, everyday, I need less of myself
And need more you, more you
Yours is the only music that makes me dance
When the sky and the ground start in ringing
I know you're around
By the thunder I hear in advance
Your words and your words alone
Are the words that start my heart singing
And yours is the only music that makes me dance
You'll sleep and you'll rise
In the light of two eyes that adore you
Bore you it might
But you won't leave my sight for a glance
In every way, everyday, I need less of myself
And need more you, more you
Yours is the only music that makes me dance
In every way, everyday, I need less of myself
And need more you, more you
Yours is the only music that makes me dance
Writer(s): Jule Styne, Bob Merrill
Lyrics powered by
Other Album Tracks
Altri album
- Christmas Time Is Here
- Christmas Sped & Slowed
- Christmas Instrumentals & Karaoke
- A Merry Little Christmas
- Up, Up And Away (Live On The Ed Sullivan Show, November 12, 1967) - Single
- Odds & Ends: That's What Makes the Music Play
- The Island
- I Love My Lady
- Johnny Mathis Sings the Great New American Songbook
- Hallelujah
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