Escala Musical (Musical Scale)

Vénganse, niños, ven a escuchar
Los dulces acordes de la escala musical
Ven, bellos niños, muy pronto me ire'
Con tu corazón cantando
Esto tu debes saber

C se canta simplemente Do
D bailando derechita, Re
E es elegante así, Mi
F, florcita llega, Fa
G, generosa solana, Sol
A, mi amor es siempre tuyo, La
B en español se dice Si
Si La Sol Fa Mi Re Do

Come, all you children, and hear what I say
In harmony climbing up and down the music scale
Come, all you children, for soon I will go
Let me hear your heart is singing
This is something you should know

First, the middle C is simply Do
Then, the D comes dancing by Re
E is elegant like this, Mi
F arrives in flowery fashion, Fa
G is genuine as sunshine, Sol
A, you'll always have my heart, La
B in Spanish, it is said Si
Si La Sol Fa Mi Re Do

Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do

Writer(s): Tish Hinojosa
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