Pulp Non-Fiction - Remix

Sometime after birth
After a very long search
I unearthed certain burdens
Of Tyler Durden self hurt
Logically you cant heal without wounds
Cant feel pain without pleasure
Or measure brains without buffoons
A wise main said
A sharp tongue and dull mind are usually found confined to the same head
Is what you're capable of doing
Determines just what you'll do
Determines how well you do it
Just a little theory I apply to my life style and music
A pessimist looks at this land of milk and honey
And sees only calories and cholesterol, dummy
Thats just water under the bridge you burnt
That could have been used to douse the flames if you were truly concerned
Even a firm grip slips when the task is to grasp a wish
A wish is a fish
The goal is the lure that tricks
The wish to fall for hope, thats bait
A great mine is the line that pulls the fish out the lake
See the bigger the fish, the bigger the bait
The bigger the wish, the longer the wait
The more goals you make the more you can take
The more bait, the more you can hook
The more you rely on fate, the less you will cook
The less you cook, the less you eat
The less you eat, the more that your stomach feels empty and weak
The more empty your stomach
The more fish you require
The more you fall and plummet
The more you'll desire
To break free from this repetition complete
And lose site of your vision your mission left unreached

You and your crew so happy to punch lines
I beat paragraphs of diction to a pulp and thats not fiction Im
Giving you a brief taste
Of the glowing contents of my brief case
Atoms Family, nuclear waste
You and your crew so happy to punch lines
I beat paragraphs of diction to a pulp and thats not fiction Im
Giving you a brief taste
Of the glowing contents of my brief case
Atoms Family, nuclear waste

If you're uncertain and ask a question, you might be fool for a night
But dont ever ask that question, you're a fool your entire life
Fire strikes fear when near, unless you are freezing
Silence is music to the ear, unless you're hard of hearing
Start cheering if you're a true believer
In utilizing this art form and mic as a tweezer
To remove splinters in fingers from climbing the tree of life
To get to the top to realize the fruit was far from ripe
And in fact it was rotten to the core
Shook the tree, the apple fell far from it
It didnt land on the floor
Landed on Newton
My rhyme used in theories of gravity
Is that fact or fiction? Genius or insanity?
Atoms family packs language and facts
Perhaps traps magical raps
To make your plans crack and collapse
Into nothing
And nothing could be stranger than nothing
In the hands of a man thats damned to stay a pain glutton
I can change nothing to something with ease
Hunting MCs
Brain crushing steeze
Yeah yeah you better believe
My steelo
Surprise the enemy its my credo
Surprise tactic shoot foes under the table like Greedo
Got done by Han in New Hope
Challenge Atom language
And we'll manage to leave your crew broke

You and your crew so happy to punch lines
I beat paragraphs of diction to a pulp and thats not fiction Im
Giving you a brief taste
Of the glowing contents of my brief case
Atoms Family, nuclear waste
You and your crew so happy to punch lines
I beat paragraphs of diction to a pulp and thats not fiction Im
Giving you a brief taste
Of the glowing contents of my brief case
Atoms Family, nuclear waste

We all have photographic memories with incoming bills and cash
If we owe loot, still photographic, no film or flash
Take the negative
Develop it
In this dark room
Its imperative to start soon
No wasting time
Must depart from the gloom
But pace your climb
No room for fatigue in this race through time
Im out for first place, worst case
Accept nothing less
Starting point my birth place
Finish line? Death
Call me crazy
Im that form with a kite in a lightning storm
Screaming "Its all about the Benjamins baby"
Franklins inventive trapping of energy
Harnessed to essentially, charge this aggressively
Darkness broken pictures soaking in liquid floating
In a boat called ambition
No fiction is allowed
This guy is disguised in the skies as a cloud
To rain on your parade
And thunder loud

You and your crew so happy to punch lines
I beat paragraphs of diction to a pulp and thats not fiction Im
Giving you a brief taste
Of the glowing contents of my brief case
Atoms Family, nuclear waste
You and your crew so happy to punch lines
I beat paragraphs of diction to a pulp and thats not fiction Im
Giving you a brief taste
Of the glowing contents of my brief case
Atoms Family, nuclear waste

Writer(s): Ian Goldberg
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
