Fistfucking God's Planet
Dethrone the son
The crucified one
Dead and begotten
Unfortunately forgotten
Death on the cross
Life was your loss
You fell from Roman hands
In thy holy land
Still your words are being preached
But now your realm is being breached
Your vision we will turn to sand
When we reap thy holy land
King who was scorned with a crown of thorns
A sadist who tormented mankind since he was born
Your throne we will burn
You shall never return
The light won't shine over your holy empire
As it ends in a roaring storm of fire
The Christian serpents can escape or stay
And face the oceans of fire, blood and iron which will sweep them away
An ocean which everything you accomplished will erase
And pull out your venomous fangs from mankind without a trace
Now were crashing onto your shore
Stare into the face of war
Death to you forevermore
By pain you never felt before
Death on the cross
Life was your loss
You fell from Roman hands
In thy holy land
Still your words are being preached
But now your realm is being breached
Your vision we will turn to sand
When we reap thy holy land
Dethrone the son
The crucified one
Dead and begotten
Unfortunately forgotten
You will pay
For getting in our way
You will see
How we will be
Fistfucking god's planet
The crucified one
Dead and begotten
Unfortunately forgotten
Death on the cross
Life was your loss
You fell from Roman hands
In thy holy land
Still your words are being preached
But now your realm is being breached
Your vision we will turn to sand
When we reap thy holy land
King who was scorned with a crown of thorns
A sadist who tormented mankind since he was born
Your throne we will burn
You shall never return
The light won't shine over your holy empire
As it ends in a roaring storm of fire
The Christian serpents can escape or stay
And face the oceans of fire, blood and iron which will sweep them away
An ocean which everything you accomplished will erase
And pull out your venomous fangs from mankind without a trace
Now were crashing onto your shore
Stare into the face of war
Death to you forevermore
By pain you never felt before
Death on the cross
Life was your loss
You fell from Roman hands
In thy holy land
Still your words are being preached
But now your realm is being breached
Your vision we will turn to sand
When we reap thy holy land
Dethrone the son
The crucified one
Dead and begotten
Unfortunately forgotten
You will pay
For getting in our way
You will see
How we will be
Fistfucking god's planet
Writer(s): Morgan Patrik Niclas Hakansson, Erik Hagstedt
Lyrics powered by
Other Album Tracks
Altri album
- Beast Of Prey: Brutal Assault (Live - Brutal Assault Festival 2015)
- World Funeral: Jaws Of Hell MMIII (Live)
- Totentanz 2001 (Live)
- Strigzscara Warwolf Live 1993
- World Panzer Battle 1999 (Live)
- Infernal Eternal (Live)
- Memento Mori
- Blood of the Funeral
- Final Boss - Single
- Panzer Division Marduk (Remixes)
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