
I Believe The Sun Should Never Set Upon An Argument
I Believe We Place Our Happiness In Other People's Hands
I Believe That Junk Food Tastes So Good Because It's Bad For You
I Believe Your Parents Did The Best Job They Knew How To Do
I Believe That Beauty Magazines Promote Low Self Esteem
I Believe I'm Loved When I'm Completely By Myself Alone
I Believe In Karma What You Give Is What You Get Returned
I Believe You Can't Appreciate Real Love 'Til You've Been Burned
I Believe The Grass Is No More Greener On The Other Side
I Believe You Don't Know What You've Got Until You Say Goodbye
I Believe You Can't Control Or Choose Your Sexuality
I Believe That Trust Is More Important Than Monogamy
I Believe Your Most Attractive Features Are Your Heart And Soul
I Believe That Family Is Worth More Than Money Or Gold
I Believe The Struggle For Financial Freedom Is Unfair
I Believe The Only Ones Who Disagree Are Millionaires
I Believe In Karma What You Give Is What You Get Returned
I Believe You Can't Appreciate Real Love 'Til You've Been Burned
I Believe The Grass Is No More Greener On The Other Side
I Believe You Don't Know What You've Got Until You Say Goodbye
I Believe Forgiveness Is The Key To Your Unhappiness
I Believe That Wedded Bliss Negates The Need To Be Undressed
I Believe That God Does Not Endorse Tv Evangelists
I Believe In Love Surviving Death Into Eternity
I Believe In Karma What You Give Is What You Get Returned
I Believe You Can't Appreciate Real Love 'Til You've Been Burned
I Believe The Grass Is No More Greener On The Other Side
I Believe You Don't Know What You've Got Until You Say Goodbye

Writer(s): Darren Hayes, Daniel Jones
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