Stairway To Insanity
With the eyes of a magpie, forced into greed
He would do anything to satisfy his needs
The steps are in front of him, shining so bright
But how far could he go until he's blinded
By wealth's light?
His excessive existence will surely e his death!
Consumed by selfishness he's to blinded to see
He has devoured his own identity
With the mind-set of a jackal ready to kill
He sees the reward but can he pay the bill?
He climbs up the staircase reaching for the top
But he doesn't know when to stop!
His excessive existence will surely e his death!
Consumed by selfishness
He could not see
That his climb towards
The upper-class was
The stairway to insanity!
He would do anything to satisfy his needs
The steps are in front of him, shining so bright
But how far could he go until he's blinded
By wealth's light?
His excessive existence will surely e his death!
Consumed by selfishness he's to blinded to see
He has devoured his own identity
With the mind-set of a jackal ready to kill
He sees the reward but can he pay the bill?
He climbs up the staircase reaching for the top
But he doesn't know when to stop!
His excessive existence will surely e his death!
Consumed by selfishness
He could not see
That his climb towards
The upper-class was
The stairway to insanity!
Writer(s): Johannes Van Audenhove, Sam Lemmens, Alain Hulsbosch
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