Instrumental Vamp - Midnight Show
Looks like I started something, I started something
Looks like I started something but I can't finish it
But I will give it a hell of a try
You wanna get serious or you wanna just fool around a lil' bit?
Let's get serious
It's a tough way to make a living folks I'll tell you it's really been rough on me
Woke him up, woke him up, he's tired, woke him up
Okay, thank you, that's all the time I've got for that
Just hang loose I'll try to get some more in a minute baby
Looks like I started something but I can't finish it
But I will give it a hell of a try
You wanna get serious or you wanna just fool around a lil' bit?
Let's get serious
It's a tough way to make a living folks I'll tell you it's really been rough on me
Woke him up, woke him up, he's tired, woke him up
Okay, thank you, that's all the time I've got for that
Just hang loose I'll try to get some more in a minute baby
Writer(s): Not Applicable
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