When I'm In Your Room
I no longer hide
When I'm by your side
I don't have to cry
When I'm in your room
When the door is closed
I don't have to cry
I am not alone
When the night is closing
When the day is done
After it's all over
Where are dreams are spun
Far beyond the sunset
Over all those hills
Up into the mountains
Where the rocks are still
Way before tomorrow
But after today
In our darkest moment
That is where I'll stay
I am in the corner
The waiting perfume
Happier than smiling
When I'm in your room
I am not alone
When I'm by your side
I don't have to cry
When I'm in your room
When the door is closed
I don't have to cry
I am not alone
When the night is closing
When the day is done
After it's all over
Where are dreams are spun
Far beyond the sunset
Over all those hills
Up into the mountains
Where the rocks are still
Way before tomorrow
But after today
In our darkest moment
That is where I'll stay
I am in the corner
The waiting perfume
Happier than smiling
When I'm in your room
I am not alone
Writer(s): Garth Ivan Richard Porter, Melanie Elizabe Horsnell
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
Other Album Tracks
Altri album
- Come To Me Sweet
- As the Trees Have Always Known (feat. Colm Mac Con Iomaire) - Single
- Turn Off The News (Build A Garden)
- Daisy a Day - Single
- Trobairitz
- I Learned How To Love From Love Songs
- Songs to Sing on a Saturday Night
- Quatre Chemins
- Blue Butterfly (feat. Quatre Chemins)
- Dans La Mer Aussi il Y a Des Étoiles
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