Working from eleven
To seven every night
Ought to make life a drag
Now I know that ain't right.
Thinking 'bout those bad times
I wish you really knew,
How happy I would be
If I were living love with you
I've gone a long time
At best, I'm glad of that
I've been to see the best of fools
And I thought I had it pat
Know I love you, baby
I don't need no one else
Come love me, baby
Hear my crying
Can't you hear me?
Come on back, baby.
Bring your love on home
I'm needing you bad
And knowing I'm sad
Bring your love
Bring it on home
Cause I love you
Yeah, I love you
I need you, baby
Oh, can't you hear me, baby
I'm cryin'
I'm so all alone
I ain't got nobody here
It's so far
And so deep.
To seven every night
Ought to make life a drag
Now I know that ain't right.
Thinking 'bout those bad times
I wish you really knew,
How happy I would be
If I were living love with you
I've gone a long time
At best, I'm glad of that
I've been to see the best of fools
And I thought I had it pat
Know I love you, baby
I don't need no one else
Come love me, baby
Hear my crying
Can't you hear me?
Come on back, baby.
Bring your love on home
I'm needing you bad
And knowing I'm sad
Bring your love
Bring it on home
Cause I love you
Yeah, I love you
I need you, baby
Oh, can't you hear me, baby
I'm cryin'
I'm so all alone
I ain't got nobody here
It's so far
And so deep.
Writer(s): James Robert Mosley
Lyrics powered by
Other Album Tracks
Altri album
- Amsterdam 1969 (Live 1969)
- Ebbets Field, 1974 (Live)
- Live At Stony Brook University, NY, October 22nd 1968
- Rounder b/w Sitting By The Window (Historic Live Moby Grape Performances 1967 & 1969)
- Moby Grape Live - Historic Live Moby Grape Performances 1966-1969
- Legendary Grape
- The Place And The Time
- Truly Fine Citizen w/ Bonus tracks
- Moby Grape 69' (With Bonus Tracks)
- Truly Fine Citizen
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