Gold In The Clouds
Even when the rainbows seem to pass right by me
I'm still finding gold in the clouds
Through all the shadows and the patterns of doubt
I'm still finding gold in the clouds
There, I said it again
Even when the eastern sky fills up with light
I don't see the sun 'till you're there
Even when the moon comes out to play at night
I don't see the light 'till you're there
There, I said it again
I wonder if I were in someone else's shoes
Would I be like them, or would I still be me?
I wonder when I'm old if I will understand
Everything I say
I sure hope it's that way
I'm still finding gold in the clouds
Through all the shadows and the patterns of doubt
I'm still finding gold in the clouds
There, I said it again
Even when the eastern sky fills up with light
I don't see the sun 'till you're there
Even when the moon comes out to play at night
I don't see the light 'till you're there
There, I said it again
I wonder if I were in someone else's shoes
Would I be like them, or would I still be me?
I wonder when I'm old if I will understand
Everything I say
I sure hope it's that way
Writer(s): Anne Herring
Lyrics powered by
Other Album Tracks
- Rod And Staff
- Mansion Builder - Mansion Builder Album Version
- Psalm 93
- Gold In The Clouds
- I'll Give My Life Away
- Rainbow
- Well, Haven't You Heard
- Lightning Flash - Mansion Builder Album Version
- Starlight, Starbright - Mansion Builder Album Version
- Make My Life A Prayer To You - Mansion Builder Album Version
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