
  1. March, Strathspey & Reel: Colin Thomson / Bogan Lochan / John McKechnie
  2. Dr. MacInnes's Fancy / Molly Connell / Monymusk / Galway Bay / Sleepy Maggie / Capt. Lachlan MacPhail of Tiree / Classical Bob / The Stool of Repentance / Scatter the Mud / The Congress Reel
  3. Asleep At The Wheel / Do Mo Chara Maith Blair Murphy / Kesh Jig / Patrick's Annabel / Spill The Beer / St Ninian's Parish Centre Ceilidh / Maids Of The Black Glen / Fiddler's Joy / Niall From Glencoe / Cape Breton Fiddler's Welcome To Shetland
  4. March, Strathpsey & Reel: Lord Alexander Kennedy / The Caledonian Society of London / John MacKechnie
  5. Tom Wilson / Mrs Sharon Duthart / The Hag At the Churn / Scatter the Mud / Our Ain Fireside / MacBeth's Strathspey / T. Bowen's Reel / Periwig / The Back of the Moon
  6. March, Strahtspey & Reel: The Balmoral Highlanders / Inveraray Castle / Mrs MacPherson of Inveran
  7. Paardeburg / Port Sean Seosamh / Coppermill Studio / Biddy From Sligo / Donald Ross Of Vancouver / Craig-A-Bodich / Stirling Castle / The Brolum / The High Road to Linton / The Cape Breton Fiddler's Welcome to Shetland
  8. March, Strathpsey & Reel: Jimmy Young / Inveraray Castle / The Little Cascade
  9. The Wellington Police Pipers in Australia / The Kesh Jig / The Humours of Whisky / Rory MacLeod / Bu Deonach Leam Tilleadh - Susan MacLeod / Altyre Wedding Reel / Rakish Paddy / Jenny Dang the Weaver
  10. King of Cardenden / Memories of Old Pa Fogerty / Caledonian Society of London / Kalabakan / An Drochaid Chliuiteach / Jig of Slurs / The Back of the Moo