Albums of Alberto Camerini

  1. Discoteca '80 '90 - EP
  2. Cantautorando Alberto Camerini: Serenella
  3. Monografie italiane: Alberto Camerini
  4. S.Valentino Love Compilation Vol.1
  5. Rita & Rudy
  6. Raccolta Di Successi
  7. Alberto Camerini Cantaitalia
  8. Magic 80: Alberto Camerini
  9. Magic 80: Alberto Camerini - EP
  10. Rockmantic Collection
  11. Rockmantic Collection (1980-1986)
  12. Metropolitano
  13. Alberto Camerini
  14. Dove L'Arcobaleno Arriva

All about

Alberto Camerini (born May 16, 1951) is an Italian singer-songwriter and musician, who was commercially most active during the late 70's, early 80's. Life and career Alberto Camerini was born in São Paulo, Brazil of Italian parents who had moved to South America a few years earlier. His parents decided to move back to Milan when Alberto was 11 years old. While taking a few classes at a…
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