Albums of Alessandro Bertozzi

  1. Electric Jam Session
  2. Electric Session 1
  3. Electric Session 4 - Single
  4. Electric Session 2 - Single
  5. Electric Session 1 - Single
  6. Step by step
  7. Sax Alto
  8. Sax Alto - EP
  9. Samaway, Melodies beweging [Live from elfo studio]
  10. Trait d'union
  11. Giula
  12. Into The Strings
  13. Funky Party
  14. Funky Party
  15. Into the Strings - Live in Cortemaggiore
  16. Contralto
  17. Crystals
  18. Step By Step
  19. Talkin' back
  20. Talkin’ back

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