Albums of Don Carlos

  1. Kissin' - Single
  2. el cariño
  3. Alone (Micky More & Andy Tee Horns Mix)
  4. Don Carlos Presents Paradise House (Irma 30th Anniversary Celebration)
  5. Don Carlos Presents Paradise House (Irma 30th Anniversary Celebration)
  6. Dahoam
  7. Heimatstrassen
  8. Peace and Love
  9. Mein liebes Mädchen
  10. An jenem Tag
  11. Mein nordeutsches Land
  12. Take Me Higher (Remixes)
  13. Hypnotized
  14. Harmony
  15. Gimme Your Love
  16. Don Carlos Playlist
  17. Don Carlos Meets Aggrovators at Dub Station
  18. Don Carlos Meets King Tubby & the Aggrovators
  19. Money & Woman
  20. Reggae Don Carlos

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