Albums of Hollywood Rose

  1. Szétfeszít az élet
  2. Mindennap...
  3. Live from Budapest
  4. The Roots Of Guns 'N Roses
  5. Piknik a Holdon
  6. Minimal Design
  7. The Roots of Guns N' Roses
  8. The Roots Of Guns 'n' Roses
  9. The Roots of Guns ‘n Roses

All about

Hollywood Rose was an American hard rock group formed in 1983 and is best known as the precursor group for what would eventually become Guns N' Roses. The group was founded by Axl Rose, Izzy Stradlin and Chris Weber while they were aided during live shows by Rick Mars, Johnny Kreis, Steve Darrow and Andre Troxx. Rose, Stradlin and Weber, along with Kreis, recorded a five-song demo in 1984…
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