Albums of Ligabue

  1. Dedicato a noi
  2. Una canzone senza tempo
  3. Riderai - Single
  4. Non cambierei questa vita con nessun'altra
  5. 77 singoli + 7 (Bonus Version)
  6. 7 (Bonus Version)
  7. 77 singoli + 7
  8. 7
  9. Volente o nolente (feat. Elisa)
  10. La ragazza dei tuoi sogni - Single
  11. Start
  12. Luci d'America
  13. Made in Italy
  14. G come giungla
  15. Giro del mondo (Deluxe)
  16. Giro Del Mondo
  17. C'è Sempre una Canzone
  18. The Best Of (International Standard Edition)
  19. The Best Of (International Deluxe Edition)
  20. The Best Of (Deluxe Edition)

All about

Luciano Ligabue (born 13 March 1960), commonly known as Ligabue, is an Italian singer-songwriter, film director and writer. Biography Ligabue was born in Correggio, in the province of Reggio Emilia (Emilia-Romagna in northern Italy). Before becoming a successful singer, he held various jobs, working in agriculture and in factories. He entered the music world in 1987, when he founded the amateur…
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