Albums of Litfiba

  1. Insidia - Remastered 2024
  2. Elettromacumba - Remastered 2024
  3. Infinito (Legacy Edition)
  4. Mondi Sommersi (Legacy Edition)
  5. Spirito (Legacy Edition)
  6. Spirito (Mix Tom Lord-Alge 2017)
  7. Eutòpia
  8. L'impossibile
  9. Playlist: Litfiba
  10. LITFIBA 93-99
  11. Collection: Litfiba
  12. Trilogia 1983-1989
  13. Trilogia del potere
  14. Grande Nazione
  15. Squalo
  16. Stato libero di Litfiba
  17. Infinito
  18. Tutto Litfiba "Eroi nel vento 1984-1993"
  19. Sole nero
  20. I Grandi Successi: Litfiba

All about

Litfiba is an Italian rock-band formed in Florence in early 1980. The band evolved from British-influenced new wave rock to a more personal rock sound influenced by Mediterranean vibes; their songs are mostly sung in Italian. History 1st era (1980-1989) The band was formed in Florence in 1980, and was named after the telex code for Via dei Bardi, Florence, where the band rehearsed (Località…
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