Albums of Lou Barlow

  1. Only Fading b/w Sacrifice
  2. Easter 2021 Soundtrack
  3. Valentine's Day 2021 Soundtrack
  4. St. Patrick's Day 2021 Soundtrack
  5. Alliday Special 2020 Soundtrack
  6. Reason to Live
  7. In My Arms
  8. Over You
  9. Paranoid Revolution (Sentridoh '93), Vol. 2
  10. Forever Instant (Sentridoh '93), Vol. 1
  11. Love Intervene
  12. Apocalypse Fetish
  13. Anniversary Song
  14. The Breeze
  15. Brace the Wave
  16. Wave
  17. Moving
  18. Songs from Loobiecore 2.5
  19. Goodnight Unknown
  20. The Right

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