Albums of Peter Case

  1. Preapproved, Predenied - Single
  2. Eyes Of Love
  3. Wandering Days
  4. Doctor Moan
  5. Have You Ever Been In Trouble?
  6. Downtown Nowhere's Blues
  7. HWY 62 Expanded Edition
  8. The Midnight Broadcast
  9. Early Roman Kings
  10. On the Way Downtown: Recorded Live on Folkscene
  11. HWY 62
  12. The Case Files
  13. Wig!
  14. Let Us Now Praise Sleepy John
  15. Vanguard Visionaries
  16. Vanguard Visionaries: Peter Case
  17. Torn Again
  18. Full Service, No Waiting
  19. Flying Saucer Blues
  20. Who's Gonna Go Your Crooked Mile

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