Albums of Sawyer Fredericks

  1. Lonely Bear
  2. The Golden Tree
  3. What a Wonderful World
  4. Flowers for You
  5. Flowers for You
  6. Turning the Shoulder (Live on Windrake Farm)
  7. Should’ve Known Better
  8. Hide Your Ghost
  9. Any of My Trouble
  10. Silent World
  11. A Good Storm
  12. 4 Pockets
  13. Sawyer Fredericks
  14. Sawyer Fredericks
  15. Forever Wrong (Frankie & Aurora’s Love Theme)
  16. Forever Wrong (Frankie & Aurora’s Love Theme) [From "The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto"]
  17. Forever Wrong (Frankie & Aurora’s Love Theme) [From "The Magic Strings Of Frankie Presto: The Musical Companion"] - Single
  18. The Complete Season 8 Collection (The Voice Performance)
  19. Please (The Voice Performance)
  20. Old Man (The Voice Performance)

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