Albums of T-Vice

  1. Pa Atake
  2. Live Nouvelle Caledonie
  3. Paka Kite W Ale - Single
  4. Di' m Sa' w We
  5. Live in France 2023
  6. Vin Pran Not
  7. Welcome to haiti
  8. In the House
  9. Doc Pullman
  10. T-vice live, vol 2 Kotem Pran Tan
  11. Min Medikaman
  12. T-vice live vol 1
  13. Majestic Live Connection
  14. Hot tempo (Live mixed by DJ FLO)
  15. Majestic
  16. Vire'l Pi Fò (Remix)
  17. Anniversary (Live)
  18. Live Flashback Drum Machine
  19. Vire Toupi A
  20. Enseparab

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