Albums of Theo Bleckmann

  1. My Choice
  2. Love Song
  3. Elegy
  4. A Clear Midnight - Kurt Weill and America
  5. A Clear Midnight / Kurt Weill and America
  6. Hello Earth!
  7. Songs of Love and War, Peace and Exile
  8. Mother Goose's Melodies
  9. Hello Earth! - The Music of Kate Bush
  10. Hello Earth! (The Music of Kate Bush)
  11. I Dwell in Possibility
  12. Schumann's Favored Bar Songs
  13. 12 Songs By Charles Ives
  14. Berlin – Songs of Love and War, Peace and Exile
  15. Der Kastanienball - La Chute de Lucrèce Borgia
  16. Berlin: Songs of Love and War, Peace and Exile
  17. Las Vegas Rhapsody - The Night They Invented Champagne
  18. Anteroom
  19. Origami

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